
How do you say "I'm addicted to Korean dramas" in Korean?

Answers (1)

by Jeong-Ho Lee 7 years ago

Based on the level of respect or formality, you can say "I'm addicted to Korean dramas" in Korean in 3 ways:

  • Informal: na-neun hanguk drama-e jungdok-dwaetseo (나는 한국 드라마에 중독됐어)
  • Formal: jeo-neun hanguk drama-e jungdok-dwaetseoyo (저는 한국 드라마에 중독됐어요), jeo-neun hanguk drama-e jungdok-dwaetseupnida (저는 한국 드라마에 중독됐습니다)
  • Very Formal: jeo-neun hanguk drama-e jungdok-dwaetseupnida (저는 한국 드라마에 중독됐습니다)

- I: na-neun (나는), jeo-neun (저는)
- addicted: jungdok doin (중독된)
- Korea: hanguk (한국)
- drama: deurama (드라마)

Please refer to How to pronounce Korean Alphabet for the English pronunciation in this answer.

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