
How do you say days of the week in Japanese?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 14 years ago

There are seven different Kanji (Chinese character) for each day of the week.Monday - 月曜日(げつようび)月 (げつ)means moon, and is pronounced as 'getsu', 曜日 (ようび) means day, and is pronounced as 'youbi'. Together, 'getsu youbi' means Monday.Tuesday - 火曜日(かようび)火(か)means fire and is pronounced as 'ka'Wednesday - 水曜日(すいようび)水(すい)means water and is pronounced as 'sui'Thursday - 木曜日(もくようび)木(もく)means tree and is pronounced as 'moku'Friday - 金曜日(きんきょうび)金(きん)means gold or money and is pronounced as 'kin'Saturday - 土曜日(どうようび)土(どう)means the earth and is pronounced as 'dou'Sunday - 日曜日(にちようび)日(にち)means the sun and is pronounced as 'nichi'

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