
How are Spanish tortillas cooked?

Answers (1)

by Toni 13 years ago

Spanish tortilla is a delicious and nutritious dish and very easy to cook. I'll give six simple steps to cook one for 2 people (although if cut in cubes it can serve quite a few people as a perfect snack in parties):
- peel and cut 4 potatoes in thin slices (although in some parts of Spain they are cut in cubes).

- heat the oil in a frying pan and throuw in the potatoes. Cook low fire until potatoes are tender, which usually takes about 20 minutes.
- in a separate bowl, beat 4-5 eggs.
- when the potatoes are cooked and tender, blend then with the egg in the bowl and mix well.
- spread the mix in the frying pan with low fire (and previously you will have taken out a bit of oil). This is an important step: the mix has to be evenly spread occupying all the frying pan.

Allow 5 minutes to cook, take a plate, cover the frying pan with it and flip it over until the tortilla is on the plate. Return the tortilla to the frying pan to cook the other side. Allow 5 minutes to cook low fire and when it looks golden you have a wonderful tortilla!

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