
What are some English words of Spanish origin?

Answers (1)

by Lucy 13 years ago

There are a great many words in Egnlish that look similar to Spanish, French etc ones because they have a Latin origin. However, there are also a number of specifically Spanish words that are used in English. Some of these have come directly from Spanish with no change; these include banana, bonanza, aficionado and cafeteria.
Many more Spanish origin words can be found in US English because of the much closer connection between the US and the largely Spanish speaking Latin American countries. Words like rodeo, buckaroo and, indeed, California and Florida are all either Spanish or Spanish origin.
Other words are also of Spanish origin though adapted into English. The most famous of these is probably chocolate, which comes from a Spanish version of old, possibly Mayan words like chocol or xcotolatl. Other words like inquisition and jesuit are also historically Spanish, but versions of them can be found in many languages.

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