
How far is it from Berlin to Dusseldorf?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 14 years ago

If you want to drive from Berlin to Dusseldorf, it is quite a distance because Berlin is in the north east of Germany while Dusseldorf is in the south west. According to Google map, if you take A2, its about 563 km and takes 5 hours 15 mins to drive from Berlin to Dusseldorf. You can also take A38, the driving distance is about 643 km and takes 5 hours 59 mins.

If you do not want to drive, you can take a flight. It only takes about an hour to fly from Berlin to Dusseldorf. There are frequent flights from Berlin to Dusseldorf as Dusseldorf is a very important business center.

You can take train from Berlin to Dusseldorf. Direct ICE departs every hour from the Central station -BerlinHauptbahnhof, and takes 4 hours and 6 minutes. The ticket costs about 29 euros for one way. However, if you have children under 14 to travel with you, they don't need tickets, which is very good if you travel with kids. You can book and print you train iciest from the following site:

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