
Is the McDonalds menu the same in every country?

Answers (1)

by Lucy 13 years ago

No, in fact McDonald's put a lot of effort into adapting their menus for different countries. They follow religious norms depending on where they go - a ban on pork or beef, for instance, in Muslim or Hindu countries - and have also been seen to adapt to social changes. For example, after their unhealthy food was exposed some years ago in the Spurlock documentary Super Size Me, they responded by offering more salads and slightly smaller portions in places where people seemed not to want their type of fast food.
The latest example of McDonald's adapting to local norms is the new Indian success story, the McVeggie. This is made with rice, beans and mixed vegetables and is especially adapted for a culture where beef is generally not eaten and vegetables are very important. In fact versions of the McVeggie have been around for almost 10 years, but this one is especially made to appeal to the Indian market.

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