
How will I know if I'm having miscarriage?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 13 years ago

If you lost your baby before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is defined as miscarriage which has two types- early miscarriage and late miscarriage. It is relatively common for early miscarriages, i.e. the loss of baby in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Its about 20% possibility for a woman to have an early miscarriage. However it is much less common (1%) to have a late miscarriage, i.e. the loss of baby after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

While Chromosome problems are the main cause of early miscarriage, women's health condition determines the likelihood of late miscarriage. For early miscarriage, you may experience bleeding or not even notice about it. Sometimes, you can find out via ultrasound scan. For late miscarriage, you may experience waters breaking or heavy bleeding. If you are uncertain, do not hesitate to talk to your midwife or your health provider.

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