
Sponge Bob

Member since July 30 2011

My Activity:

105 questions

161 answers




qsponge ruler

How is that most of the questions on Qsponge is answered by a person named ''Lucy''?

I suppose she must work for the site, that's why. People in Qsponge ask many questions but they should know that they are also able to sign up and collaborate with their answers and opinion. (read more)

  answered 12 years ago

Does it mean I'm 'two-faced' if I'm really loud and smiley around my close family/friends but with others I try to be friendly but they don't really talk to me so I'm really awkward and shy?

No, I think you are not really "two-faced". It's pretty normal to act in a way with family and people that know you well and to be shy when talking to strangers. Some people act naturally and with confidence when interacting with strangers but don't let... (read more)

  answered 13 years ago

Is Qsponge considered a popular website?

Qsponge is a brand new website and its popularity and database is increasing every day. There are other Q&A websites out there but the best thing about Qsponge is that the answers are brief and useful (most of the times). (read more)

  answered 13 years ago

How long does it take to get an answer on Qsponge?

It depends. Sometimes it takes only couple minutes, sometimes it may take days if not weeks. Qsponge is a collaborative Q&A website. The more users participate, the quicker the questions get answered. You can answer any question on Qsponge and your... (read more)

  answered 13 years ago

How many employees does Wikipedia have?

  tracked 13 years ago

Who is the owner of Los Angeles Dodgers?

  tracked 13 years ago

Where is the longest river in the world?

  tracked 14 years ago

Where is the highest waterfall in the World?

The highest waterfall in the word is 'Salto del Angel' (Angel Falls) in Venezuela. It has a height of 979m. (3.212 ft) its plunge has 807 m. (2.648 ft). It is situated... (read more)

  answered 14 years ago

How do you say "It's a lovely day!" in Spanish?

You look outside and it's sunny, you want to tell your spanish speaking friends that it's a lovely day, this is the way to do it: Que dia mas bueno! (it means 'it's a lovely... (read more)

  answered 14 years ago

How do you order coffee in Spain?

  tracked 14 years ago

How do you say "I'm hungover" in Spanish?

It was a great night and such and such a fun but you drank too much and now not feeling particularly well. To tell your spanish speaking friends that you are hangover you... (read more)

  answered 14 years ago