
What are the typical symptoms of prostate cancer?

Answers (2)

by John 12 years ago

When general prostate problems come to light, doctors usually first try to rule out cancer because the symptoms can be very subtle at first. Frequency and discomfort while urinating. If initial suspicions are right, they will go on do to a biopsy. If you or someone you know is experiencing prostate issues,see a urologist soon and start taking supplements for the prostate because they can be very helpful. Read super beta prostate testimonial

by Lucy 13 years ago

Prostate cancer often goes undetected because it is very common in older men for the prostate gland to get bigger, and for certain symptoms to appear that may or may not be signs of cancer. The symptoms can include needing to pass water much more than before, especially in the night, and then finding it uncomfortable, even to the extent of finding blood in the urine. However, as these symptoms, more often than not, are a sign of some much less serious conditions, all too often men don't get them checked but just think of them as 'signs of getting older'.

In the cases where there actually is cancer, eventually these symptoms may be followed by pain elsewhere in the body, especially the spine, hips and pelvis. By this time the cancer has usually spread; so it's recommended that you get tested if you have any of the symptoms mentioned in the first paragraph, just in case.

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