
How do i get rid of blackheads?

Answers (1)

by Lucy 13 years ago

Even though blackheads aren't caused by dirt (they are mainly caused by a build up of hormones, and occur mostly in the teen years) the key to getting rid of them is cleansing. It may take several days and repeated treatments.

First of all, you need to cleanse your skin gently but thoroughly every morning and evening. Avoid harsh skin products or rough cleaning as this wll make the problem worse. When you want to remove the blackhead, first give your face a steam clean to open the pores. This can be as simple as leaning over a bowl full of steaming hot water with a towel draped over your head to form a 'tent' and keep the steam in. Then press the blackhead very, very gently to bring it out, with your fingers covered to prevent infection. Don't squeeze or it may burst and again risk infection. If it won't come out with gentle pressure, it isn't ready yet and you should wait another day.

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