
Why is iron important during pregnancy?

Answers (1)

by Qcrew 14 years ago

During pregnancy, your body absorbs iron more efficiently, so it's important to take more iron to ensure that you and your baby are getting enough oxygen. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (USRDA) of iron for pregnant women is 30 mg per day.

The combination of iron and protein forms haemoglobin in the red blood cells, which is the pigment that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide around your body. The amount of blood in your body increases by up to 30% when you are pregnant, which is to meet the growing needs of your baby. Since iron can store in your body, its good to have iron-rich foods (e.g. Lean beef, clams egg yolk, liver, berries, apricots, dried prunes, grapes, plums, watermelon, etc) regularly before conception.

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